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Slightly incomplete part three! :)




Jenifur Charne

As is, it feels complete, though where is Jinx, while Red is talking to Swampy. Also, a question about paintball terminology. What is 'mushroom' ?


'Mushroom' is what players do when they go find a corner and hide. That is, rather than go out and "engage the enemy", they find a nice, safe bunker or big tree or whatever, hunker down and kind of wait out the game. Keeping in mind that not all players- especially renters and newbies- are as "gung ho" as the rest. :)

Jenifur Charne

Maybe, as punishment, mushroom players should be used as targets for the paintball Gatling gun from TLD.

Lord Chaos

I have 50 lbs of Tannerite if that will help.

Derek Thornton

Jinx is going to Borrow some of Doc's Power Armor? ;)


Still can't see the image unless I open it in a new tab :^( My grandma would get mad when my cousin and I would call that a crowbar instead of a wrecking bar, back on the farm...


I'd be annoyed too if Red handed me a crowbar instead of a sledgehammer.


Same here. Oddly enough, it is just the Swampy and Jinx comics. I can still see everything else.


Well, the comics are in GIF, maybe your browsers aren't cooperating with that? Shows up fine for me.


Prolly something goofy with the net nanny on my work computer, but IDK why view in new tab would work; it's OK on my home PC...

Jenifur Charne

The Patreon view image for this entry, showed up fine for me, as well as opening that image in a new tab. No idea why folks are hitting bugs. With the ad blockers and anti virus I run, I should be having heaps of problems, and I'm not.


Yeah... like Red thinks it will stay at the sledge and crowbar stage. Proximity to Doc and Roger must mean something, even if nuclear fission isn't involved. This should be interesting.