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For those of you who are into both the shop stuff and paintball, here's a video from this weekend, of a little project that's been taking up some of my time. :D

And for those of you that aren't paintballers... that thing's only supposed to have one barrel. :)

And, I'd like to ask a favor of you ladies and gentlemen.  Kathy Garrison, the author of Carry On, would very much like to win an Ursa Major Award for her comic. (TWB also got nominated, but I'm not particularly interested in winning, one way or the other.)

If you have a moment, I'd appreciate it if you'd head on over there and vote for CO as "Best Comic Strip"- she also has an entry under Best Published Illustration.

Thank you!



The Evil Twin AutoCocker, by Doc's Machine

As I was recently building another run of my Vee-Twin bodies (a side-by-side 'Cocker) some unconscionable madman asked if an over-under could be made. I said yes. Yes it could. :) Still just a rough prototype, and there were some teething issues along the way, but she's functional, reliable and gives decent velocity so far. Full Build threads can be found on The Tinker's Guild and M. Carter Brown.



It's nice to see Freefall on that list as well.


I recall years ago, not being a paintballer but being a mechanical and weapons geek, noodling over in my head designs for a paintball minigun powered from a SCUBA tank. The thing that was giving me the biggest headache was figuring out the gating in the breech to chamber paintballs without rupturing them all over the breech mechanism. Pop ... pop pop ... pop ... pop ... popopopop ..... BRRRRRRRRRRRRRT "What the fuck was THAT?" Then if memory serves, a few years later, I discovered some lunatic had actually built one. :)


Look, Doc, until you make that "shoot around corners mini-gun" super marker from the comic, then its just not the same...


You did this just so you could compare barrels, didn't you? :)


Balance on that thing must be interesting with the dual hoppers. Looks badass in operation though

A. J. Alfieri-Crispin

Would it make sense to have the barrels shoot askew a tad? One a little left, and one a little right? Of course it can’t be too much, especially the further away the target is, but these balls aren’t going that far?


Hard to get a cheek weld with no stock and while wearing a mask. :D And yes, if you really want a red dot, there's a sight rail. They work about as well as taping a banana up there, but hey, whatever floats yer boat. :)


Actually, there's virtually no possible way to get the two barrels to shoot to the same point-of-aim anyway. There will *always* be a natural spread/deviation- that's the nature of shooting an imperfect, lightweight sphere out of a smooth bore. :)

jay maechtlen

didn't someone explain/demonstrate that a rifled bore would be worse, even? And it it was dimpled like a golf ball it could get really interesting?

Lee Spiesman

The Whiteboard, Carry On, Freefall. Man that's a hard choice. But if you're not that interested that simplifies it a little anyway - I don't have to find a 3 sided coin ;)

Studley Destiny

So, how long till you start work on the gattling gun version?