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Thanks to yet another ferocious windstorm last night, I have a dead tree hanging across my powerline at the moment.

Power's  still on, and it's a dry tree, so it hasn't shorted yet, but it's still  a little on the windy side so anything can happen. At the very least I  expect if/when the crews come to take it down, they'll disconnect power  at the street, first.

It shouldn't affect finishing and uploading Monday's comic, but it could. So... fair warning. :D


Comic's done and uploaded, and I even have all the schedulers and other goodies safely transferred over and working. Thanks Curt!

The tree is still hanging on the power line, though. If I don't hear from them bright and early, I'm going to need to raise a little hell.

(Update, Part 2:)

Crew came by at 3:45 AM (!) and removed said tree. No issues, no problems.




I am really priviledged. The last outtage was caused by an fuse.


just use that nuclear marker we all know yo've been building and shoot the tree away :p but fair enough, I remember once during an autumn storm that a tree came down over our powerlines. Not fun


Screw that! Just run the house off the marker, no need to jump into fantasy land!


May good luck and competent power line workers be with you Doc.

Wild Card

Your safety comes way before the comic being posted. If it is delayed by the repair, then it is, period. We can wait to see it.


Here's hoping for no sizzle and boom this week. At least in the real world.


...why do it the easy way, when you can do it The Doc Way™ ?

Tiger in man's clothing

A.P.S. is very fast to remove trees, fallen or not, and if your trees encroach on power lines they will butcher your trees for you if you don't get it done in a timely manner yourself. And then they will charge you for the tree butchering.