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Finally, the latest two new TWB books are here! And you ladies and gents get an early chance at them, before the rest of the unwashed mass... er, that is, the regular readers. :)

The downside is that, as you might expect, the cost of, well, pretty much everything has gone up. Paper, binding materials, especially toner, and of course shipping.

On the plus side, two books fit neatly into a Flat Rate envelope, and can get anywhere in the US for just $9. The same style of envelope can also go to Canada and places overseas, for just $17. (some a touch more, some a touch less- I'm using that as an average.)

The books are now $14.95 each, so your total for both new books, anywhere in the US, is just $39. And for those of you not in the US, your two books, on your doorstep (hopefully), will be just $47 USD.

AND, as always, there is of course the Fanboy Optional Special Edition©, wherein I, personally, will deface your book(s) with a sketch of the character of your choice.

These sketches are just $10 each, so a pair of Fanboy Specials, to your doorstep, will be just $59 in the US, and $67 outside of it.

My PayPal address is ordering@docsmachine.com and all I need is your name, a valid mailing address, and if applicable which TWB characters you'd like me to scrawl in the back.

Also, I have all twenty prior books in stock. This same deal(s) applies for any two of any of those as well. Just mention which issues you want, plus the characters, if applicable.

AND... if you want more than that- any number or combination of the earlier books, drop me a line at sales@docsmachine.com and I can set you up, including some discounts for larger orders.

Thank you!


(And yes, I've already fixed the door handle being on the wrong side. A few of you may receive an Ultra Special Super-Rare Misprint Collector's Edition, almost sure to double in value at some point!)




Ordered. Was about to ask about the state of new books. Purely out of curiosity, would you ever do books for other series? I'd love to buy a physical printing of Freefall for example.


I've spoken with other comics about doing that, and there's issues- mainly time and cost. We may try it at some point just as a "labor of love" rather than actual income generation, but unfortunately, no promises.


I know you have likely already considered this but: Girl Genius does a kickstarter for their books. I know that they have the benefits of scale&contracting out the printing, but it may be worth considering to see if any of the comics could drum up the interest to make it more worth it. The thing that I am always the most sad about many of the comics that I read is that they don't have physical editions that I can buy, so even if it was a "labor of love" thing, I would love to see it and buy them.


Oh, what a coincidence, I'm just going through the rest of the books for who knows which time.. XD Order incoming shortly!


Okay, I shot you an email for all the books.

J. Cook

Sent over payment for a fanboy of the new books.


Take my money good sir!

Pontanius Black

Would love to get in on those books. But still have that missing book order unresolved. Sorry for bringing it up here, but every other avenue seems to fail.


What missing book order? Patreon doesn't make it easy to compare screen names to 'real' names (or whatever was supplied as a shipping name/address) and the only thing I can find under this screen name about one is from 2017. Send me an email (the one on the book page) with the particulars and I can go from there.

Pontanius Black

It's this order. #docsshop-20264634 I thought we were sorting it by emails, but I think your spam-filter decided to axe my replies. I'm sending an email as well.