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Without a zombie. :)

Cara is only annoyed that they don't actually drink anything, and Miki is simply happy to finally have a chance to use that axe she found in one of the back rooms.

Art for an upcoming project. Stay tuned!




Jenifur Charne

Miki just wasted an attack. Merely putting an axe into the top of the head of a zombie won't take it out. All that does is make it _angrier_ and makes Miki it's main target.


Apparently that zombie has no brains to count as a vital spot. An all too common problem of the recent walking dead

Dan Davis

Cara is being practical 'customers' that buy nothing are a waste of space

Jenifur Charne

It's not just that zombies have no need to buy anything, they also have no money to buy anything.

Walter W Matera

Miki's very short so she should act like a Dwarf and take it off at the knees.


"Miki! Come on! He might have actually been a paying customer!"


Part of the reason she loves Doc and the crew and makes so much time and space for them. They buy a lot of coffee.

Lord Chaos

Doesn''t drink coffee? He deserved it.


The zombies are evolving. Now they have necks! By the way, here is a little help for Zombie Guy here, from the ancient depths of the internet (original one started in 1993) http://www.yamara.com/axe/


Must be a 2-4-5 Trioxin Zombe. Don’t burn the corpse…


I like it when Halloween takes on such a cool shade and zombies seem not horrific but funny 😹😹


sure it's not Miki's ez boyfriend's axe? ;)

J. Cook

I dunno; I mean, one of the firedogs might have left it behind at some point, or it was a trophy from assisting with the training that one night. :)


Oh, I think Miki will now have fun and try to use the ax for its intended purpose))

Jenifur Charne

This is Miki we are talking about. Someone who played roller derby competitively. To her, an axe is a combat weapon, not a tool.