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In this penultimate episode,  we clean and reassemble the motor with new bearings, and fix the compound slides that UPS managed to break despite heroic efforts at packaging and protecting by the eBay seller.

Also features our first use of a sound effect. :)



Hardinge HSL "Speed" Lathe rebuild, Part 5

Cleaning and painting the motor, and swapping the bearings. Also fixing something that didn't need to be fixed, thanks to the gorillas at UPS. Almost done!



I always watch your videos with interest, and it is worth especially noting this sound effect, it sounds good.


Two dumb questions from a non-machinist:


1.) Why did you eliminate the magnetic brake?


2.) Why an aluminum, rather than steel or other material plug? Thanks in advance.


Because I was switching from "wall power" 3-phase, to 'generated' 3-phase from a VFD. The solenoid for the brake operates by a sort of shunt between two windings, and the digital VFD tends to not like that. I have to admit I don't know what "doesn't like" means- damage? Doesn't operate correctly?- but I'd heard that from enough sources that I figured the easiest route was to disable it. It is, however, disabled in such a way it'd be easily put back into use if necessary.


In this case, the aluminum was easiest to work. :) I'll likely be replacing both tapered bars with steel before too long, but I'll likely keep the non-marring aluminum plugs. Better coefficient of friction between aluminum and steel, than steel-on-steel or brass-on-steel, etc.


Thanks so much! From the size of the lathe, I would have guessed single phase 220v, not three phase. But a lot of plants have three phase readily available, so it makes sense. And frankly, I don't know enough about metallurgy to know the different coefficients of friction between materials. I'm learning a lot from your video, whether the lighting and sound are perfect or not. And I look forward every day to "The Whiteboard!"