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My apologies for the ongoing lack of color. Spring is always a busy time for me, and this year we have the added attraction of trying to catch up on some lingering issues left over from last year.

I plan to sit down and spend an entire day doing nothing but catching up on the color, but it's gonna be a bit. Last week was pretty hectic, and this coming week is shaping up to be even more so.

In the meantime, have a book-sketch Mikibutt. :)





You're busy, I get that. I'm happy you can do the B&W strips. It's not like you've done them before. ;-) Please don't think that just because I follow your strip, that I think I own you.

Lord Chaos

The cheesecake is ample payment.


Woof Woof…


I think most of us are just glad you're able to post something. Don't overdo it on our account.

Cult of Dust

Hey, if it gets compensation like this, that's fine by me. 😏


I have no problems with B&W... *never takes eyes off the Miki-sketch"...

Wild Card

Unless the color is necessary for the current strip, they are fine in black and white.

J. Cook

"Laundry day!"


Listen, CLEARLY black and white is fine 🥰