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After entirely too long, I finally collected together a bunch of my fan art ("a bunch" is a relative term :)  and whipped up a quick and kind of cheesy Fan Art Page!

It's not complete yet, I know there's a few other bits somewhere in the recesses of my old hard drives- including a congratulations sketch from TWB's first anniversary (!) and one from Scotty Arsenault.

I can't say how often it'll be updated, but I can say I'll try.

If you have art you'd like put up there, just let me know, I'll be happy to post it. If your art is up there but uncredited or improperly credited, also let me know, and I'll be happy to correct it. (I've had some of those in old drives for more than a decade. :)

If your art is up there and you don't want it to be, again, just let me know and I'll take it down. If you'd like a link back to your FA or DA page, or other gallery, just let me know that too and I'll add a link.

And as always, thanks for reading!




HEHE, you are loved.




Yes! Fanart is always fun to see and even greater to receive! :D


Thank you Doc.