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Drawing #1. Swiftdraw mentioned the Jackal, and yeah, we haven't seen him since the B&W days, and that's been a while.

I forget where I got the original idea for him, but always liked the design.  I know the typical "Anubis" type jackal is supposed to have a thin whippet/greyhound type tail, but I didn't know that when I first drew him, so now he has a fluffy tail. :)

Coloring an ostensibly black-bodied character, wearing a black coat against a black background, is an interesting challenge for coloring. Not 100% happy with this as it is, but it's not bad for a quick TWB-style. :D





"forgot the original idea". You mean Morphious?


Oh sure, the trenchcoat and sunglasses part, but I meant the "dream manifestation". Yeah, Morpheus was definitely a big part of the visual design, but I can't recall where or why I came up with the "Doc sees him when he's unconscious" bit.


Fluffy tail? Eh, so he got hair extensions... Who says a psychological manifestation doesn't want to look good while doing his job?


Simpsons? Kind of reminds me of Homer Simpson's spirit guide (Johnny Cash as the "Space Coyote" :) )

Stephanie L. Weippert

I wouldn't want to quibble with an all powerful Avatar about their appearance, anyway. That could be dangerous to one's health.

Darque Hellmutt

Original Idea? hmmm ... Google sez: Anubis : The Egyptian god of mummification and the afterlife as well as the patron god of lost souls and the helpless. He is one of the oldest gods of Egypt, who most likely developed from the earlier (and much older) jackal god Wepwawet with whom he is often confused. ↓ Wepwawet : During the New Kingdom his standard even preceded that of Osiris and the “procession of Wepwawet” initiated the mysteries of Osiris as a god of the dead. His name means “the opener of the ways (roads)."