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I apologize for being so quiet lately, but I've been extremely busy. It's the height of summer up here, and even though we have nearly 'round-the-clock daylight (it's currently 10:45 PM and I could drive without headlights right now :) ) we also only really have three months of what you'd call a real summer.

May is usually still muddy and nothing is green yet, and September turns cold and the leaves start falling off the trees. So we really only get June, July and August.  (And August typically comes with a lot of rain.)

So if one wants to do anything outside, that doesn't involve skis or skates, this is the time to do it. :)

One of the things I've been trying to chew my way through, is those three machines whose parts cost me a fair fortune, and which you ladies and gentlemen helped me cover a few months back- for which I'm very grateful.

While I've been working on all three as time permits, the above is the first one we can call more or less completed. (Here's what it looked like before.) It still needs some detail work, but it's fully functional right now. And while not yet perfect- again, those details- it's a whole lot better than it was.

For those of you who might be interested in more details, I have a good build thread over on the Tinker's Guild.

If you dig a bit, there's also threads on the Springfield Lathe and the Stockbridge Shaper, among other fun bits in there for those of you who may be of a mechanical bent. Or just bent. I don't judge.

I don't really "need"... well, two of these three machines (the shaper in particular is like restoring a Model T- you don't do it 'cause you need a daily driver, you do it 'cause you dig antique cars :) ) but I did need all the parts up off the floor. :)

And I have a BUNCH of other things going on too, so spare time has been really limited lately.  

I'll try to get some more sketches and maybe another Q&A up before too long. 

As always, thank you all very much for your support, and thank you for reading!




Jenifur Charne

I've been following those threads in the forum, Doc. They've been a great read. Having to do that, deal with real work, and still get the comic out as well, doesn't leave time for Patreon. :) Hope what's left of your summer goes well.


That's a damn fine looking machine! I have an old bridgeport vertical mill I can play with, but I don't have a horizontal mill.


Are you sure that you want to be hated by youre own characters?


How often does it require a shrubbery?