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First and by far the most important, I'd like to officially say Thank You to everyone, especially those who recently bumped their pledge up to help me out, as well as those that bought books and sketches.  That was all very helpful and came at a somewhat dire time.

I know many of you bumped it up only for a limited time, and it won't hurt my feelings if you have to drop it back down. I well understand tight finances, believe me. :)

Second, apparently thanks to the unpaywalled pic of a semi-topless Miki below, Patreon has now labeled my account as "adult". I have the option of a review and possible return to open, but that might require the removal of ALL the nsfw art.

Now, on one hand, there's no particular drawback to being labeled 'adult'. The worst part is we won't appear on any of Patreon's internal advertising- the most important of which is this account won't appear in listings of comics individual donors are subscribing to.

The thing about THAT is, I have no idea how that might affect our traffic. When Patreon was new, I liked checking out some of the other comics or artists some of you were supporting, but I haven't done it in a while, and I don't know how many others do.

The next most important is the warning tag for those not already signed in, warning about the "18+ content". That I can see turning off a few potential patrons... but on the other hand, I can see it enticing a few too. :)

So it's likely not a particularly bad thing, but is definitely something I may need to keep an eye on.

So the question is: Do I 'fight' it? I was given to understand NSFW was largely okay, as long as it was paywalled. (That I believe was my mistake, with the pic of Miki being "open".) I may be able to have the adult tag removed if I get rid of that pic or paywall that post.

On the other hand, I may have to get rid of ALL the nsfw stuff to lift it.

Or do I ignore and just accept it? I have no particular plans to show anything more risque` than the existing artwork, so it's not like we really need the coverage, but on the other hand, I know many of you like those pics and very likely would want to see more.

.... I suppose I should have made this post a poll. :)

But really, I don't just want a yes-or-no vote, I'd like to hear your actual opinions. If, of course, you have one. :)




The NSFW tag would have been something of a speed bump for me ("What's that bad? Nothing offensive in the comic, so why? Do I really want to know?") But nothing here is anything that would keep me away from the Patreon account (unless you went Full Monty furryporn, which I do not expect). And this being triggered by that really tame picture of Nikki strikes me as insane. Patreon is not how I found the comic.


I have never understood why US culture is so terrified of boobs. FOR GOD'S SAKE, 51% OF THE PLANET'S POPULATION HAS THEM and practically EVERYONE on the planet has seen at least one, at least once. It's not like they're some dark secret the existence of which must be denied and concealed. I can only conclude that it is a manifestation of America's Puritan heritage, shaped by people who live out their daily lives convinced that the human body is inherently sinful, and haunted by the creeping dread that someone, somewhere, might be having a good time.


By the way, I'm sorta planning to buy a set of books, I just ... haven't gotten around to it.


As much as it pains me to bow down to their censorship, you may need to paywall anything seen as adult. A previous creator I supported had their account suspended due to "adult" stuff being publicly visible, dispite the fact that A: they were an adult-content creator & B: the artwork in question was already censored in order to try and comply. Given that this is a part of your working income, I would advise not giving them any tools they could use to suspend/shut down your account.


My (very small) contribution is to support your comic, not to get any extra content. If paywalling the NSFW pictures makes it easier for you and gets more readers, that's fine with me. Put the wall up to $10 and post pirctures regularly and you could attract a bit more money. Or go full on NSFW and you'll make enough to buy a small Caribbean island. But I'm here for the mad science and explosions. By the way, it's been <em>weeks</em> since you blew the shop up.

David Barr

I'm in favor of a "first round, low effort" fight, at least. Specifically, switch the post with Miki over to closed, and send a "Whoops! My Bad!" appeal in to Patreon. If they accept that, you're good. If they don't, the nature of their response will let you know how much, or if, you should continue to fight. But, don't chicken out of the appeal just because they MIGHT tell you to fix your closed art.

Wild Card

I would say, at this point, keep the adult label. That frees you up from having to worry if a given pic has to behind a pay wall or not.

J. Cook

I'm going to agree with David Barr's suggestion, to see what Patreon's censors do; You have my support one way or the other- the cheesecake (and beefcake if it appears) are the icing on the delicious cake of wacky shenanigans that is The Whiteboard. :) To be honest, I think someone at Patreon is being a little *too* prudish, or some chucklehead reported it because they have nothing else to do with their sad little life. In my not so humble opinion- it's like like there's actual genitalia being shown, there's no 'female presenting nipples' (one of Tumblr's deciding factors for it's crummy AI deciding if something is porn or not), there's no male or female 'naughty bits' showing. As Phil S. put it so diplomatically, practically everyone's seen at least one nipple at some point in their lives, especially if they've looked in the mirror without a shirt on.


I'd say, if it is easy to say "Oops, that post was mistakenly open, I'm really quite sorry, it won't happen again, blah blah." and get it changed, then do that. If it turns into a big circus, then don't worry about it. I don't think Patreon's internal adverts are very effective at driving traffic to new 'finds.'


Welcome to the large swath of adult content creators (like myself) who live in constant fear. But it's at least a fun fear! :)


I think the adult flag is fine and might actually be an appeal to at least as many folks as it is a turn-off to, if not more. Spicier content for folks that want to pay is great, you could even have a separate tier for it so that anyone who is offended by boobies doesn't have to encounter them. I see the more adult oriented stuff as a special treat so I'd hate to see it go away. That all being said, Patreon's browsing interface is kind of awful so I'm dubious you're getting much traffic from it. I think a switch to NSFW mode will have any noticible effect. :)


I definitely like the adult content and find it to be A pleasant icing on the comics cake.