Who has a copy of Book 8 handy? (Patreon)
This might seem like an odd request, but can anyone with a copy of Book 8 handy, the one with the zombies on the cover... tell me what the title says? :)
I'll explain in a moment. :D
In this last run, I ran out of Book 8, and ran low on a couple others. So I was going to print up a couple more- one of the benefits to being able to do it all in-house now. :)
The problem is, I can't find the cover art for 8. I have a version with an earlier working title, "Fully Justified", but not the apparently-correct "Justifiable Carnage". I wasn't sure which way I'd changed- the store entry for that issue says "Carnage", but I have no actual cover art that says that. Only "Fully".
I have all the artwork, of course, and in several stages of completion, so I can recreate it, I just wanted to check and make sure my brain hadn't blown a circuit breaker or something, and I'd forgotten I'd switched or something.
Thanks guys. Clearly my recordkeeping needs a little work. :D