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I'd like to take a moment to welcome all the new patrons that just joined... both of you. :D

I'm chronically kind of weak on patron extras, both jobs keep me pretty busy these days, but I'm trying to do better. Look for more sketches and finished art in the near future. :)





You're doing fine for this Virginian, Doc, and I am passing the word around. Definitely helps when the noise from the D.C. crowd gets too irritating (and that is a bipartisan observation!).


*pokes you with a stick*

Stephanie L. Weippert

I really like this one. The emotion in her expression/body language is perfect because as a mom of two teenage boys I grok this.


Oh - of course, she's having to sweep up debris left behind by someone else, probably Doc and Roger. At first I saw it as her having beaten something into a steaming pulp using a broom 😁