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I'd like to welcome all the new patrons, and thank you all- new and old alike- for your continued support. If I'd been smart, I'd have had some shiny new artwork finished beforehand for you all, but I've never exactly been accused of being a great businessman. :D

Along with that, I wish I had the time to regularly produce extra strips and art to post here, but as anyone who has tried to run a small business on their own knows, spare time is scarce indeed.

I try to post what I can, and when I can, but it all comes down to time and inspiration.

Again, thank you all for your support, and as always, thank you very much for reading!



Force Gaia

I'm just happy re-reading the entire back catalogue over and over. A few more bookmarks within the past 2 years and more mobile-friendly views would be nice though


Don’t stress about creating Patreon extras. There’s plenty of bigger operations that never post anything at all (yes, I am looking at you, Foglio). Still happy to keep paying my tiny contribution, though after Brexit I may find that $1 is a significant portion of my income.


@Force Gaia I've actually been toying with mobile friendly TWB. The strips don't really cooperate with the whole ideology of mobile resolutions, but I have a couple ideas. @Doc I'll make sure to let you know, and gain your approval before anything is made public :-)