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The linework for Miki's second pose is dropped in, then cleaned up. Once that's done, it's then copy-pasted into the third panel, where I deleted her head and right arm, replacing those with the rest of the art seen in the initial drawing. Tawny's head too gets replaced and cleaned up to change her pose slightly as well.

I'm skipping a LOT of little details that will be in the eventual video. :)

10:06 PM

Should have done this earlier, adding to the existing post. :) It'll be here from now on.

Next up: flood filled the basic colors. Note I didn't bother with Tawny's clothes- no reason to flood fill, I'll be copy-pasting the color and shading in a moment.

10:22 PM

Accent shading added

10:51 PM

And done!

Dialogue added, and "clip art" background slipped in. Saved, reduced for upload, loaded into the scheduler, scheduler set, and ready to go at 11:35 PM!

This strip was a bit simpler than some and thus didn't take as long as usual- although it still took nearly three hours. (Add about 15 minutes total for these posts. :) )

Four hours is about average for a strip- the big Halloween day splash page took over eight.

Hope you enjoyed this little tour behind the scenes. Hopefully I can get a video put together before too long.





oof, rapid fire updates. thanks for everything, man


There is one minor drawback to updating the existing post, though. Only the first image can be expanded, the rest are only available in the smaller version without using the "View image" option from the right-click menu. As I said, though, minor. Hardly "ZOMGWTFBBQ THE WORLD IS ENDING" material. :P

Scott Anderson

Love it so if alpo and fermented walrus livers are available as pizza toppings what else is


Super impressive, whenever I try to draw a comic strip it seems to take eight hours MINIMUM.