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For those that have been following the goings-on over on the Tinker's Guild, I recently finally got my CNC lathe conversion running, and figured out how to set it just enough to run a test program- in this case, it's cutting a pawn chesspiece.

For those that haven't been following the guild, or are here more for the comic than the machine shop, I modified one of my machine tools to work automatically, with a computer doing all those motions. And I'm rather happy with it, because it's been a two-year build AND I'm having to teach myself how to run CNC machines, to boot. :)

Which, I have to admit, is often very frustrating.

Anyway, since we finally reached the long-awaited milestone of doing some "how TWB is made" videos, I figured it was time to dust off my long-disused YouTube channel(s), see if I can find my ancient passwords to get into the bloomin' thing, and maybe start playing with this whole shoot-video/upload-video thing. :)

Yeah, this video's kind of boring, but it really is just a test. Hopefully I'll get better with practice. :)



Logan Lathe CNC conversion cutting a pawn

Finally have my Logan 11" lathe conversion to CNC complete enough to run the 'pawn' test program. The conversion uses the Centroid Acorn project board, a pair of AT "hybrid" closed-loop steppers, and a bunch of custom-built parts. A complete write-up of this build can be found on my website at www.docsmachine.com Sorry the vid is a bit boring. :) And it cuts off at the end because the parting tool was not at the correct offset- I'm still learning how to use this thing. The bar, by the way, is a wax table candle, in case something decided to crash on me. :)



Very nice... I'd love to convert mine to CNC, but right now just don't have the resources to dedicate to it, and I haven't even got it running well and tuned in manually yet...


It's a lot less boring when you download it and play it at 8X speed. :) Thank you.


Looks like a nice conversion What material's that? ABS perhaps?\

Darque Hellmutt

Yep. We're all enthralled by this head-to-head battle of Mighty Wax vs. Machine Head!! Seriously, vid is good, but the music is a bit boring.


Hey Doc, I have been so engrossed with the strip, I had forgotten your long-time struggles on HSM to start CNC! I'm impressed that you followed it through to this point - now you've raised the bar for all of us manual lathe procrastinators :-) Stay warm, and Merry Christmas ...


I love me some CNC work. I sure wouldn't mind seeing more machine work here.

William Burns

I’m a This Old Tony fan, so more would be just fine.


Happy New Year!

Bob Savery

It sounds like the machine is powered by a V8!

jay maechtlen

The idea of having my own lathe and/or mill should be incentive to clean out my dang garage. Hmm - gotta put that on the to-do list!