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Thanks to my total lack of a dedicated IT staff and some other  projects going on, I really wasn't able to sit down with the new host  'til the past couple of days and get the move sorted out. I do  apologize, but this kind of thing is not my forte', and both myself and  the hosting company have been a little busy this holiday season.

Anyway,  the plan is to finally redirect TWB at some point Thursday the 20th.  The new IP should propogate, or whatever the term is, anywhere from  within thirty seconds to upwards of 24 to 48 hours, as I understand it.  I'll be uploading the site archive as soon as I can, and as fast as I'm able with my mediocre-at-best connection after that.

So  things may be wonky for a day or two, and there may be teething issues  getting the old updater program to play nicely with the new site- or it  may all go smoothly and few of you will notice anything at all. Let's  keep our fingers crossed, and thanks for your patience! :)



Chloe Cresswell

Propagate: IT verb: to spread a typo in the most efficient way possible... ;)


Ha! Too true Chole! Good luck with the move and Merry Christmas :)

Chloe Cresswell

Yeah, not that I've ever typoed a DNS record, honestly.... *whistles and walks away*


So... today's cartoon seems broken, don't know it that is related...


DNS typoes are really the most fun type. And Doc, 90% of the time you are looking at a few hours at most for the propagation.


Unless you have a DNS provider with the WONDERFUL peculiarity of looking at your beautiful handcrafted zone file and going "1 hour cache time? Surely you mean 1 day!". But I'm not bitter. Nor do I have a choice.

jay maechtlen

hay, thanks for the comics! Looking forward to the resumption of mayham and festivities!

Chloe Cresswell

Hah! Can do worse then that. BTB (BT Broadband) in the UK used to cache till midnight every day, regardless of the TTL/etc settings. They weren't a DNS provider btw, this is the resolvers they supplied to their end users on dialup/leasedlines and eventually (a)dsl...


Ha! Too true Chole! Good luck with the move and Merry Christmas


Sorry Doc, I can no longer support Patreon with my business is an other opinion to support you? please send me a message if possible.