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Caught up! As of 10:52 PM on Wednesday, I have all the US orders  completed! The last dozen (as of this posting) are sitting by my front  door and will be shipped first thing in the morning.

I do still have a fair handful of Canadian and Overseas orders,  that I'm filling and shipping as fast as I can- as with the previous  run, those I have to actually wait in line at the PO to send, so I only  do five or six at a time. (Though I've been making about two trips a day to the PO... :) )

Still have plenty of books on hand, but we're getting down to the  wire on the glasses. I switched the store over to selling singles,  because the inventory system doesn't know the difference between  singles, pairs or sets of four. That is, sell a set of four, and the  inventory for the singles doesn't go down by four- it still thinks I  have however many were entered at the time.

So switching it to singles-only all pulls from the same inventory-  if you want two or more, just change the total in the shopping cart  before checkout.

The current inventory in the store is slightly less than the number of  actual glasses I have left- I'm trying to keep a close eye on things so I  don't wind up overselling, and manage to keep a small "buffer" both for  myself and as potential replacements in case of any breakage. There may  be a few last-minute ones available after the main ones are gone, but no promises. Once these are gone, they're gone.



Scott Anderson

Ordered one will you be restocking on the books before xmas

Todd Harrison

My books and glass just arrived! Great sketches, and my new favorite glass!


Got my order, safe and sound. Thanks!