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Finally squeezed in a moment to finish this off. And considering it started as a quick book sketch, I don't think it turned out too bad.

As always, I just wish I had more time for this kind of thing...





great work doc but...if you could PLEASE answer my question.


Damn she looks fantastic, murder in her eye but fantastic.


Yes, yes, I do apologize, I've been meaning to get back to you. Have I mentioned how busy things have been around here? :D (I will mention that I prefer people with important questions to contact me directly via email- I don't always have the time to keep up on board postings and PM and the like. :) Anyway, I finally fired off a replacement book and a couple other goodies on Monday. You should see it in a week or so. Thanks for your patience!


THANKS SO MUCH! and well I tried on notes here and e-mail but didn't seem to have luck either hehe.


I will be at Anthocon until the 11 just hoping to find a GREAT SURPRISE when i come back )


I love how the "coffee pot with a straw" bit has become a regular thing.

Darque Hellmutt

Oh, to be a love-struck Huskey in TWB!


Rodger does the coffee pot with a straw thing, I wonder if he's the one she's giving the annoying-customer-death-stare" to just before bringing him his refill.


Roger and Miki? Now, THAT would be an interesting pairing...


Oh! I didn't realize that was Doc's girlfriend's assistant. She's a pretty little shortstack. I'd love to date her if she isn't already taken.


More than assistant, IIRC Miki is a full on partner, with half ownership of the coffee shop.

Welsh Rat

Miki. So hot there's never any ice around her.

Rémi Beaulieu-Dubé

Also I believe she is single, not bad with men, but unlucky in finding the right one. Which is not to say you could date her, seeing how she is a fictional character.


Of course, I know she is a fictional character. But just to say that if this world existed, I would.


...join the queue, please ;) - Oops, just noticed I'm a cat...