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The first step was taking the inked drawing and scanning it. For the comic I usually erase the pencil lines before scanning, so it's quicker to clean up the base linework. When I do the book sketches, I leave the pencil, which essentially becomes part of the artwork.

Step 2 is to take the scan and convert it to solid black-and-white, no greyscale. And at this stage, if the drawing needs it, I'll do gross corrections- here, you'll note, I raised the bottom edge of her shirt, and shortened her shorts, lengthened her fingers, and reshaped the chest a little.

At this point, once I'm happy with the overall proportions, I'll start cleaning up the linework- sharpening the points of the fur, I'll tweak that left ankle a bit, clean up the seam in the shorts, etc.

And, in response to the responses posted below:

I see there's pretty much an equal interest in both the storylines and gag-a-day, so as one poster suggested, I think we'll be "staying the course". :)

The current plan is to keep doing the current mostly-gags-but-with-very-short-storylines thing as we've been seeing for the past several weeks, and towards the end of the summer we'll ease back into the full-fledged storylines.

For those of you worried the main comic would start having NSFW content, don't worry, I have no intention of doing so. The one strip with the foxes in the oil room was mostly just a case of "let's see what happens if I do this". :)

As for many of your suggestions:

Establishing shots that show more of the offices, workshops and labs. I've been wanting to do that, and work them up as backgrounds I can drop into the artwork, as I did with the counter background at the coffee shop. (Which I need to make a perspective view of, so the art isn't always quite so boring. :) )

A pin-up of Roger, and/or I "owe" the female readers something? Entirely true- earlier this year I was meaning to do up a "beefcake" of Anthony, in large part just to try and figure out how a buff guy's muscles are supposed to look. That and finally settle how his face and head stripes are supposed to go- I'm sure you ladies and gents noticed that they wandered about a bit. :) I'll have to see if I can work something up.

Miki and Pirta meeting? Okay, it's either going to be a dog vs. cat meeting, or they're going to start swapping stories about Doc and become best friends. :) We'll see it before too long.

Jessie, Cassie or Pirta possibly relaxing in a nice hot bath? I could be mean and give you a quick sketch where nothing's visible below her nostrils because of the bubbles, but if I get some free time before too long, I think we can work something up.

Jinx having a tinkering accident? Already in the works, and will be part of an upcoming storyline. (evil grin)

Finish the Sandy-on-satin pic? That one was finished back when I first posted it, I just chose at the time to post the censored version. I eventually wanted to work up a version with better shading, but time, as always, is against me. I'll see if I can dig up the original- I think I had a 'full monty' version of the panel with Pirta's coveralls popping open too, that I'm not sure I posted.





While I'm sure everyone would like to see Miki and Pirta near each other, it might be even more interesting to watch various males reacting to seeing them like that.


No reason you can't have both. Miki and Pirta can have an initial negative reaction which then shifts as they find common ground after being forced to time-out together in a hot tub. Also, it doesn't need to be a discussion only about Doc. They could compare notes and find common quirks they have observed while working alongside their respective polar bears. All of the suggestions you listed sound great.


I just wonder if Pirta and Miki might know each other previously, like worked the same restraunt or something. Appoligies by finish I ment the shading and all you wanted to do before reposting the Sandy on satin. I'll admit to wanting the nsfw version as well.