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A reader asked that, since we're seeing some of the other background players, if we'd see Packrat again, and if so, would Pirta catch him properly this time. :)

Packy's not sure how he feels about this. On one hand, she's, you know, well padded, but on the other, breathing on occasion is nice, too. :)

Just a quick sketch, sorry I haven't been able to post more, but it's my busy season on the shop right now.





Understandable Doc!


ROFL cute and funny. I hope you had my note btw )


I would bet that Jinx would really appreciate the same treatment. Might unleash a holy terror that would turn the tables on Kasi.


If Pirta only did it occasionally and briefly, Packrat might get used to her hugs and start missing them when they don't happen.


Imagine it: Jinx manages to pin Kasi, who comments that he now has a "funny look" on his face. A learning moment for Jinx, of course.

Brighttail Faux Pas

I got my little "Look inside: TWB" booklet. I think that is the fastest I have ever received mail from the USA to Canada. Thank you so much, DOC. Love the comic!

Welsh Rat

You think you got it fast? I got it last wednesday. And I'm in the UK!


hey sorry to bug you but, I never got an answer to the note i sent you. thanks to let me know.