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Something I sketched up a few months back. Sorry I haven't had time to do much else here, or for that matter come up with some brilliant AF gag, but hopefully this ought to keep you happy for a bit. :)




Jim Sharkey

Yeah, I dig this one. I think it's just because the furry nipples weird me out a bit, and I've never gotten used to them. I really to like the attempt at a more "realistic" picture, as well as the front perspective rather than the standard side or 3/4ths. It's good to stretch.


With Jim on the nipples. Sorry Doc, it's the one bit of your art style that doesn't work for me. They're drawn as if the surrounding surface were smooth bare skin rather than fur. Now I very much enjoy looking at nipples on bare skin, but the juxtaposition with the rest of a person who's visibly covered with fur just looks weird. Where exactly did the fur stop - or are the nipples stuck down on top of it? I know you deliberately avoid getting hung up on the mechanics of fur, and it's an approach I approve of (who cares what kind of sticky mess you get if you /really/ pour salad oil on a fox? - slippery shiny Sandy is way more fun to look at and imagine 😁). Just the way that principle seems to get applied to breasts and nipples doesn't quite work in my opinion. Like this picture with the dark shirt though 👍


I will take this over an AF joke any year.


You're getting better fast doc! An inspirational piece.


Her face is beautiful.....it's also the most comely and nonaggresive expression I've ever seen on her. Beautiful job Doc. :^D


She can keep me happy any time she wants...


Yeah, that's one of many conceits I've noticed about 'furry' art, but really, it's pretty obvious. Viewers like the extremities and face to be (largely cartoony) animalistic, but we're still human, and wired to prefer the sexual characteristics of other humans. Therefore those are rendered more "realistically" in order to make the image more pleasant to look at. Artistically, I generally assume that the fur on those areas is simply very thin and fine, giving an appearance of nearly-bare skin.


*long wolf whistle*....AWE-some, absolutely awesome...

jay maechtlen

recalls the old expression - "lucky skunk!"


That's a face I would be happy to wake up to. Also, a very nice style variation, Doc. Well done.

Walter W Matera

That's probably the sexiest Pirta ever.