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I'll start off by admitting I mentioned commissions below somewhat tongue-in-cheek, as I've offered a couple of times before, when I've needed a little extra bill money or the like, and got basically zero response.

If you're genuinely interested in a commissioned piece, I'll state right up front that I have very little spare time for artwork- or nearly anything else- these days. I'd have to ask roughly what I ask in the shop for custom work, which is generally anything from $25 to $50 an hour.

I don't want that to sound mercenary, it's simply a matter that 100% of my income comes in either through the comic here, or out in the machine shop. If I'm not in the shop earning a living, I need to be at my art table earning a living. 

(And no, I don't make $50 an hour, eight hours a day, all week. :) A lot of my time is spent making production parts to be sold in my store, for which I make a lot less than $50 an hour. Sometimes less than minimum wage. :) I made the equivalent of about $4 an hour on the last book run. :) Overall in a year, I generally make roughly McDonalds' assistant-manager type money.)

Long story short, commissions would not be cheap. "Sitting Pretty" down below took me probably a little over 3 hours, all told, from sketch to upload. The "Extra" drawing, had I done that from scratch, would have probably taken closer to five hours.

The image with all the ladies in the lineup I bet I have close to 12-15 hours in, all told. The "Coffie" pic was at least eight, but there was a lot of sketch-erase-retry fiddling with that one.

Now, that's all assuming I was just idly fiddling with the art- I wasn't by any means trying to finish anything up in any kind of time frame.

Bottom line, a single-figure image would likely be around $200 and up. 'Pretty' is about 1600x1800 and 300 DPI. I can work larger and to finer detail, but that just takes more time.

I'll assume that anyone interested in a commission is going to want at least cheesecake if not outright nudity.  Both are fine, though I'll probably ask a bit more for the latter.

But, if you want actual porn, keep in mind I've never drawn any, I'm not particularly interested in drawing any, I expect I'd get most of the poses about as goofy and awkward as the recent collaboration pics down below, and I would be adding a heavy surcharge, or gratuity, or whatever you want to call it for the privilege. Like starting at $1,000 and going up from there.

If anyone is still genuinely interested in a commission, I'll work up some ground rules and generic-starting-point prices. Really, prices will likely be fixed (IE, $X for Y pic) rather than "Okay, this image took me 2.75 hours so your price will be..." Although I will say I've heard some minor horror stories from other artists, about picky commissioners and endless reworks and such. Just as a forewarning, I have a low tolerance for such things.




Cats n' Cameras

I'd definitely be interested, just need to be able to budget it for ya. :)

Kalo Division

I'd absolutely be interested.


Ever thought of doing more stickers or vinyl decals?

Kerin Schiesser

Don't know where to ask a general question, other than in the discussion under the current comment - sorry if this is off topic from commissions (which sound great! - hope you get a bunch of them!) However, my question - the other day I swear I saw a comic where it showed what DOC and AJ were seeing as Roger zoomed around high on caffeine like something from a Star Trek episode (nerdnote: "Wink of an Eye")? But I can't f ind that strip now? It was pretty funny, and without it, the current discussion of whether AJ understood it doesn't make much sense. Was the strip a gif my browser is just not reading or something?


I might be interested.

Kerin Schiesser

and now the super-speedy Roger strip is back. :) (boggled)


Doc, keep doing what you do - it's awesome... and you're to be commended for taking a fraction of time out of your life to give much amusement to us hangers on.


If you mean THIS one, it's still there - on the 'previous' page for the "What's he saying?" strip. <a href="http://www.the-whiteboard.com/autotwb2560.png" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://www.the-whiteboard.com/autotwb2560.png</a>


That series leading up to Roger going bezeek :) from the panel where AJ is on his second cup of coffee to where Roger strolls back with the pot and a cup is OUTSTANDING. What I'm talking about is AJ's facial expressions......eyes changing and leaning ever so slightly away....nailed it!


Hmmm, always wanted an avatar of my wolf persona done up, will have to think on it...BTW, you got a guest shot on Kathy Garrison-Kellogg's Carry On webcomic today, showing you leaning outside a shop entitled "Doc's Books &amp; Used Trebuchets". &gt;^-^&lt;


So in the vein of commissions. My wife and i own a field in mid Missouri. Our mascot is a panda driving a tank. We have read your comic almost from day 1. In the comic the first time Gino goes out to the field one panel has him using a player as a human shield. Would maybe getting a high res shot of that panel for use on t shirts be a possibilty?