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Figured I'd give you ladies and gents a proper update, since there's a limit to how much I can stuff into a comic strip header. :)

As noted in Tuesday's strip (now switched back to a regular strip-only pic) you people swamped me but good. :) I made three trips to the Post Office on Monday, and three more on Tuesday, both days packing, boxing and labeling as fast as I could.

I hope I haven't made any major mistakes, but if you discover something amiss with your order, please don't hesitate to drop me a line at doc@docsmachine.com

The two things that are the most delayed right now, are overseas orders, since I have to actually stand in line at the Post Office and the nice lady there has to manually enter the info for the Customs forms (I do all other postage online) and the sketches, since I prefer to sit down and do a proper drawing, not just rush out a scribble and call it good.

So I've only been doing 4 to 6 overseas packages a day, so I don't hold up the line at the PO too long (and that 4-6 is still typically at least 15 minutes at the counter) and I've been doing the sketches in the evenings, just before doing the strip.

I'm only about 11 overseas packages behind, so hopefully the last of the current backlog will be out by no later than Thursday.

The sketches I'm doing as fast as I can, but everybody wants sketches. :) 

I'd like to thank you all again for your patronage- in both uses of the word here :) - and generosity. I wish I'd gone this route sooner, but what's done is done.

Pass the books around, tell a friend about TWB, let's spread the word. :)



Mary Catelli

Well, they've started to arrive. . . .

Luke Cai

Best of luck packaging!


Cheers Doc! Glad it's going well for you 8*)


Can't order books this month, unfortunately (fun with tax bills! Yay!... *grump*). But next month I plan on getting the two new ones, with sketches (I've currently got all the other books, most with sketches).