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I hear Santa's been busy recently... He bring you anything? :)





I took matters into my own hands this time.


Rocking my Cameo 3 craft-machine -- I bought it to cut build-sheet for 3D printers but it's turned out to be waaaay more useful...

Lord Chaos

Who is this Santa you speak of? Have a happy Saturnalia.

Brian Pickering

A 3D Printer is on its way... my gift to myself.


Did he ever, My wife kept looking over at me as I snickered quietly at my desk. To the rest of you, watch your mail... It's really worth it. Thanks Doc, for the great and unexpected surprise.


Late birthday arrival, but not Santa -- I think. An order arrived, though.


Snail mail or E mail?

Danny Beans

I'm both intrigued by this post, and utterly charmed by the picture.


Christmas definitely came early this year :)


So how bad of me is it to ask here if the $25 post is worth it?


The above post is about one of the main rewards for those tiers, as noted to the right there. If you were a $25 donor, you'd qualify. :) I should have a full announcement for the public next Monday, if all goes well.

J. Cook

Well, about a week n a half, I got an iPad, which is something I've been wanting... the rest of it's gonna be waiting on the remainder of the elves to stiffen up the ol' bank account, so I can get some moderate plumbing work done to the house.


A MonoPrice Mini 2.0 3D printer. It's already burned through about a third of a full spool of filament over the week. It's got a bit of a learning curve to it, understanding feed rates, bed and nozzle temps, calibrating, and communication, and all that jazz. I've printed off 3 demo kitties, some calibration cubes, partial X-Wings and part of a Millennium Falcon. The latter two I had to abort for a variety of reasons, ranging from feed issues, to the damned thing waking me up at night.