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Full designation: Turanga-Class Mark VI Semi-Autonomous Combat Drone
The Mark-Sixes are one of several experimental weapons systems that Doc and Roger are helping design and test for various branches of the US Government. They have no proper AI, but do carry some fairly sophisticated programming, and can network with each other for target tracking and other relatively simple problem-solving.
Primary power source: Roger's third-generation fast-neutron "pocket reactor"
Primary weapon:  A single 1/2-Megawatt Infrared Chemical Oxygen Iodine Laser (COIL)
Secondary weapons: as-yet undetermined 

(Cast page has been updated. :) )




Christopher Chung

I'm just hoping the armour Jinx is wearing survived that last blast.


I may be wrong. but I feel they might need a little more product development before they are ready for the market. I think they'd look better in blue.

Bunsen Honeydew

Damn. So very much like Maximillian from 'Black Hole,' but more humanoid.

Rémi Beaulieu-Dubé

I feel like knowing now that Roger and Doc are developping these is kinda taking a lot away from the mystery of why the heck is Roger being attacked by robots.


One would think, if you're designing a combat drone, an off switch might be a good thing to have.

Kerin Schiesser

I think I'D want an "off remote." One that works from a very VERY "remote" location.

Lord Chaos

I'll stick with the BOLO series. More reliable.


How many of these damn things are they testing....a brigade???? And just like in Robocop 1 & 2, with the ED-209, and Cain with Nuke, why would you turn a combat drone loose with fully functional weaponry w/o being fully aware of it's capabilities?

Walter W Matera

Yes, the BOLO series. "For the honor of the regiment!" So help me I cried when I read that line.