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For those zooming and squinting, the answer. :)




J. Cook

I am ok with more risque content here, to be completely honest; If it moves the story forward, or fits in with the plot, or is hilarious (or any/all combination of the above) then so be it. As doc (and multiple others) stated on the main forums, there's a veritable ocean of smut (furry and otherwise) on the internet, with more being added every day. I'm not necessarily a prude, but smut for smut's sake or fan service that doesn't advance the plot is pretty much bonus material in my book. Just my $0.04 (inflation, ya know...)


And now the wait for the view from Jake starts. (2017-06-13)


Y'know, for a second there, I thought you meant you managed to get an inflation pic drawn for four cents, in which case I would have to kill you for swindling an artist that badly.