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Here's something from the depths of my scrap-bin folders, that I had long forgotten about. :)

Years ago, on one of the tool-junkie boards, a fellow made a post complaining about his circular saw- seems he had, for the second time, managed to lop his own electrical cord off. But not while he was cutting wood, it was afterward, when he lowered the saw to his side, that the cord would catch in the slight gap left when the blade guard closed.

His complaint was, of course, that the saw was designed wrong. :) The cord, he insisted, should come out the top of the handle, rather than the bottom.

Naturally, many of us suggested instead that since that doesn't appear to be an issue for the millions of people who use that same saw, that perhaps, just maybe, he might instead need to slightly alter his technique so as to not entangle his own blade.

That led to a long argument where he insisted that no, the cord in that location was a poor design, an OSHA violation and probably against the Geneva Convention. While the rest of us were basically saying, hey, uh, I've been using that same kind of saw for years and years, and haven't so much as nicked the cord, and so on.

Which eventually led to the above quick sketch, once it became clear the man probably shouldn't be trusted with power tools. :)




Tiger in man's clothing

You joke, but I almost lost a finger to one of those when it bound in the board I was cutting. I can't fire left pawed any more.