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While working on posting all my old sketches and PSD files I noticed something. I noticed how lame it is to have tons of neat sketches that I can't share publicly because I'm withholding them to be used as Patreon rewards. It goes against my "everything I make is free" promise and it bums me out cause I like to share. So I'm thinking of changing a couple things.

First up, I'm making all my sketches available to the public after they've been around for a year. At the beginning of each year I'll post a big link of all the sketches from two years ago (so like, in Jan 2019 I'll post a big 2017 sketchbook). Also, if I do some neat sketches I'm gonna just post them Publicly whenever I want.

This makes my art less exclusive, which technically makes it less valuable. But I'm also making all my reward tiers cheaper: PSD files for $5, sketches for $3, old art for $1. These prices just seem so much more fair, and I'd like more low-tier patrons.

I know I need to upgrade my upper-tiers too, but until I hammer something more solid out my strategy is "make gift art for Cool Kids™."



Sounds like a solid change. Depending on the volume of work that piles up you could easily bring it down more often. For me, at least, it's less about exclusive and more "support, and got it first".