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"H-hey, look... Yeah, she's not feeling too well, I'm sorry but I don't think we're gonna hang out tonight..."

"W-what's that? Barks... Howls, grunts...? Oh, no, it's just... huh... My stomach! Yeah, that's right..." I mean, this situation has to be kinda uncomfortable, right? I mean, having to cancel plans is always kinda awkward and all that, and now add to the mix that your girlfriend for some unknown reason is turning into a... Well, a super cute and hot werewolf, yep! Although we have to say that those bandages on her arm look especially suspicious... Alright, so! Here we have a new and super sexy werewolf transformation sketch! At first it was just going to be the second part of it, the sketch where she's actually transforming, but you know, I just thought that adding a little bit of context to this transformation would be kinda nice! ;3

Well...! Now we gotta see the bright side on all of this! If the plan to go out has been canceled, now this couple can just have a good time at their place and have some fun together...! ;D




*Pulls out Collar* Petplay it is.