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"Yeah, you know... I consider myself a pretty chil person! I like to spend most of my time at home reading, sewing, drawing, doing movie marathons, playing videogames... You know, I consider myself a cat person!" ;)

And thus, a blind date was made...! Alright, so...! Oh yeah, that's right, my friend, this is happening, here we finally have a super sexy comic version of the whole "Feligal" series that we've seen so far! This, ladies and gentlemen, is PART 1 of this lovely werecat lady's cute adventure...! Alright then, how about if we do a quick recap to remember about the plot of this comic...? Yep! So, "Feligal" is about this pretty young woman who, after having tried some feline pheromones for her kitten at home, has begun to experience some unexpected side effects... And the timing couldn't be better! Because she had recently agreed to go on a blind date with another person who, surprise...! Also loves cats! So obviously, things will be great, right...? ;D

Now we just need to meet this mysterious person... I wonder who it could be! 

Oh, and here's a quick guide to see the comic! First, you'll find the 7 pages with dialogue all in a row, and after these, the 7 same pages but without dialogue, to better enjoy the art!

Some readjustments had to be made here and there in order to do the paneling and give it a good comic look, you will surely notice that some drawings have parts that may seem repeated, but still, I hope you like how the final result looks! Oh, and also, to maintain visual cohesion, despite having some sketches with a more finished look with more detailed shading, I decided to only use the sketches with just black and white coloring, I hope you like it that way! ;D




I love that, apparently "Turns you into a cat" is a KNOWN SIDE EFFECT.