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Wait a minute, wait a minute...! How did she managed to get in through the chimney if the fireplace is burning like that...?

Oh yeah, that's right... It's because Kin is just as hot as a burning fireplace...! Wait, I got it, it was magic! That's right, it's the magic of these Holidays! Thank you, oh magical Kin...! Alright so, let's take a look at that! Yep, yep, all I want for Christmas is a super hot and sexy werewolf girl turning in front a cozy fireplace... While I enjoy a good and also hot chocolate with a marshmallow! And just like that, here we have Kin dressed just for the occasion, and bringing a pretty juicy gift... And hey, look at that! She has a little gift bow just above her booty, and also, we can already notice that there's a suspicious bulge starting to grow more and more... So there's the hidden gift, huh? I wonder what Kin has brought us this year...! :D

And yeah, this is a WIP still! Because, you know... I think that this one would look really cool with some sexy coloring, right...? ;3




sorry for the question... but when will the next part of feligar be released?