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Behold! Ladies and gentlemen! Our first male contestant just flew onto the stage...! :D

Oh yeah, I've just went there, I totally went there, that was a bird-like joke...! You know, I find it necessary to emphasize right now that Passion, Kin and I do not share scriptwriters, the descriptions of each post are totally... Alright, sorry about that, terrible, terrible intro! My apologies everybody, let's try to focus on the good and sexy stuff right here, which is... HEY! Look's like we're getting a TF-TG in this show, ladies and gentlemen! That's right, it was about time! It's wonderful how that super magic TF ROULETTE of this show has given us several surprises throughout this whole event, like... We've seen a sharkgirl turning into a feral husky, we've seen Red turning into an eastern noodly dragon...! And now, Passion and Kin are going to give us a much more feathery and feminine version of Ryan ;3

So, here we have the finished version of both the first and the second intro pages of Ryan's transformation sequence! Here we have his complete presentation with his wheel spin, with the fancy shading, the sexy lightning, and yeah, the super spicy dialogue, full of super funy puns thanks to our lovely hostesses...! Oh, and quick note here about all the several different versions that you'll find here on this post! Let me do a quick copy-paste here...! 

You’ll notice that there are like 3 different versions for the coloring of these pages! Just like we’ve done so far on this series! The first one of this post is the most saturated one, then you’ll find a slightly less saturated version, and the next one is the one with the original colors! And for each version you’ll see that there are both the individual pages and also the combined pages ;)

And of course, after all that, you’ll find the rest of the WIPS! The more, the better!



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