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Extra! Extra! There's a wild female werepanther loose in town...!

"We strongly recommend that you stay at home, rumors suggest that this beast, which used to be a regular ordinary woman, began to transform shortly after being attacked by a similar-looking creature, so we suspect that she could do just the same to you...!" Yep, yep, I can totally imagine a similar story from the Daily Planet newspapers! The thing is, don't you think that this story could be a very interesting episode...? Alright so, let's check what we have here today... Oh yeah, we're starting to add some colors to this sequence! So, these are the very first WIPs of the colored version of this TF sequence! And as you can see, it still needs more detail on certain aspects, like adding a background, lighting, maybe add more details where needed... But I'd say we're on the right track! ;3

And here's a little guide to find the pictures of this post! Because I have uploaded all the images of the 3 pinups in this same post and it can be a bit confusing, so here is a little help! ;)

The first two images of this post are more the most updated versions of the first pinup, one with dialogue and the other without dialogue. The next 3 images are the 3 pinups with the first layer of color, then the next 3 images are the same 3 pinups but with some filters on them, and after that you'll find the 3 same pinups with the same filters and the dialogue, so in this post you'll find all of them! ;D

BUT! You'll surely notice that the coloring and shading of the second and third pinups do not look too similar to the first one, this is because today I wanted to focus on advancing more on the first one, and the other two at the moment have that less finished look and with those orange filters, but don't worry! Because very soon we'll update this sequence to have it complete as soon as possible!




This kinda stuff DOES happen in canon. Albeit less sexily.