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Hang in there, babe! Like some of you have said earlier, she TOTALLY can fight it...! ;D

Wait a minute... Oh, oh no, sorry, my bad...! You know, what I meant to say is that some of you have said that she TOTALLY can't fight it...! Yeah, that's the one, sorry, I don't know how I mixed that...! Alright, so! Here we go, everybody! How was your weekend? I hope that you're ready to start this week with some good old classic werewolf transformation stuff! Some of the more classic elements are in place! Like, there we have a full moon, there's a pretty and aroused girl in her bedroom trying to fight against her lycanthropy but it looks like slowly but surely she's turning more and more... And all this is happening while someone is knocking on the door, yeah, that's the icing on the cake! And yep, she's struggling, that's for sure, and she's repeating to herself that she can control herself... But seeing how advanced the transformation is already, it seems to me that it's gonna be difficult to... Control that inner werewolf!

Maybe if she lets her partner to come in and treat her wound, everything will be better...! ;3
