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Careful, this kitty has cla-...! Now, hold on just one second...

I think that I just had a déjà vu or something like that... Oh boy, oh boy! Here we go, everybody, we're finally getting a new update of this sexy comic! Very well then, here we have the first WIPs of the fourth page of the transformation of this cute feline heroine! We already have the lineart ready, and we also have the first layer of basic colors, on which we will put the sweet shading, the fancy details, you know, the usual stuff! And let's see how the transformation is going so far... Alright! It seems like that on this page we're focusing on how the clothes are starting to tear, how the tail is pushing more and more, and especially how the seams of the gloves are tearing as well! ;D

I'm sure that soon enough we'll start to see some soft fur on Catwoman's body ;3




I hope we will get to see tygrus soon or at all in this!


Cant wait to see those paws come out 😚


Looks like the Joker is the person involved in this for now. Also: You seen Kdingo's stuff?


Yep, yep, it looks like it's the Joker the one behind this, but who knows, who knows... ;3 And I didn't know about Kdingo's stuff, Mitchell! I actually tried to look up for it but I didn't find it, maybe you know the way...? ;P


Ohh, true, true, Sharpie! That's always a great part, so let's make it real good ;3


How soon will we see an update to this?