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Hey! Hi, so... This is my first time using a cell phone to post here on Patreon! Let's see how it works! :D

OK, about today's update... First of all, don't worry! I already have the post ready, it's a really spicy picture that I want to show, but... Yeah, it looks like my computer doesn't think the same. It's been freezing and crashing again, I even got a blue screen a couple times today, and...! I just got one while I was writing the description...!

So, yeah... My apologies everybody, I estimate that it will take like an hour more or less to my computer to boot up again, I have to give it some rest when it crashes like this... As soon as it works again, I'll finish the post! ;)

In fact, I'll just publish It and I'll finish writing the description later just in case, the most important thing is to publish the pictures! We can edit the funny description later xD

See you in an hour!



I mean, if you're starting to get blue screens, it's pretty serious. Hope you have all your stuff backed-up safely, 'cause you might have to bring your computer to a repair-shop, or to change some parts.


You're too kind. I do hope that your computer troubles get fixed


Dare I ask what the error code was on the BSOD? Is it different every time?


Hey, hello there Goblinounours! I'm so sorry it took me this long to reply, it's been real crazy this whole month between those computer issues and some other RL stuff that happened, but finally, I can give you a reply...! So yeah, I have some back-ups! I was really going to bring my computer to a repair-shop, because I was starting to think that I'd have to change some parts, just like you said. And, you know, a couple weeks ago, my computer started to stop showing my hard drive disks! I decided to open it all by myself, and... The solution was just cleaning all the dust, and making sure that all the conections were all good. As soon as I turned it on, I just noticed the difference. Now it works faster, it makes less noise, and most important... It doesn't crash! Besides, now I try to not use that much RAM like I used to, I am more careful with the programs that I have opened xD So yeah, Goblinounours! After cleaning the computer, making sure every connection was right, and taking care of the RAM, everything seems to be working just as fine! Thank you so much for your support, your feedback, and your message ;)


Thank you, Andrew, thank you so much... And I'm really happy to say that finally, I fixed all those issues! Now I can continue drawing all this sexy stuff as usual for all of you! :D


Hey, tinpin! Again, I'm so sorry it took me this long to give you a reply, between all those crashes, and other RL stuff that has been happening lately... But yeah, finally, I can answer! Aaand... I'm afraid that the blue screen went and go so fast that I didn't catch the error code, Yeah, the blue screen appeared a couple seconds on screen, and then inmediately rebooted itself... But hey! Like I said to Goblinounours on this same post, it looks like after just cleaning the computer, checking the connections and not overuse the RAM, it seems to be working just as usual! Thank you so so much for your interest and your feedback tinpin, you're really kind, and again, sorry for this delay, you were just trying to help and I had you waiting for two weeks...