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And here is a little update of this sexy picture! :D

Yep, yep, now we have some sweet coloring! Of course, this still needs a lot of work, there are some colors that I'd like to adjust, and the shading is not final, is just a preview to test the hue, the tone, the saturation... But hey! We have some progress, that's always good, right? ;3

So, next time we should get the finished version of the shading, more details in the coloring, and of course, we'll have to start working on that background! I hope you like how it's looking so far!




Wesker: "Okay, so apparently while they lose their minds, they keep their "Doesn't like me" emotions! NOT AS PLANNED!"

Alan Smithee

"Subjects aren't attacking Chris...they're...attempting to FORNICATE with him...he's turning into a wolf-man himself..." Would be a good excuse to do a male transformation sequence alongside them.


Oh, Wesker, oh... Poor Wesker xDD This is just like the very first Resident Evil game, right Mitchell? When he... shows off his "creation" and that happens xD


Oh, oh! It really is! Because both Rebecca and Jill would be spreading the TF-VIRUS like that, so Chris would be...! Really good idea Alan, yep yep, we could definitely continue this idea


Female Chris...!? ...Now I remember your other comment Mitchell, the one from the previous post of this sketch: "Wesker *injects himself - turns into a girl*" ...That's how it works then! Oh Chris, prepare...! xD


I have a thing for TG, what can I say? IT LEADS TO MORE CUTE GIRLS!