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And here is the final version of this pose!

Now, you all deserve an apologize. Last time I said that I'd submit the finished version of this pose during last weekend, but I didn't, and I'm really sorry about that. Some stuff came up and, you know... But hey, here is the picture finished at least! With the background, the dialogue, and all the fancy stuff that we all love so much ;3

Alright then! Weiss' transformation is going well, yeah... 

Let's see how the TF continues with more poses of her sensually transforming >;D

Oh right, and the PSD will be available soon after this update! ;)





Skjido G.

Too cute 😻


This is really great and I´m looking orward to see more of Weiss. But did you already uploaded the final Blake sequence or it is still in the works?


Thank you so so much Niva! I'm glad that you're looking forward to more of Weiss, because there is more of her coming up~ About the final Blake Sequence, yeah, it is still in the works because I want to add new panels to it, and that's what is delaying it this much, I'm really sorry... But I'm glad that you made that question Niva, because in the next few days I'm planning to post certain polls about how to proceed with the next PINUP SERIES for upcoming characters... You'll see what I mean ;)