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Yeah, I know, I said "no more delays!" I'm sorry! But c'mon, it's Sunday, we can de something special today, right? ^^U

Alright so... Usually when you think about a werewolf lady, you can think that they are lusty, determined, dominant, all about finding a "prey" to... have fun with. But what about the other werewolves? There has to be some shy ones, right? So, there goes that idea xd

Beware of the fearsome... Humping Shewolf! She may take your favorite and biggest bunny plushie and start humping on it!

PS: Oh yeah, the "order" is a little messy... 

The first "panel" would be the one on the top center, then would be the one on the right, and then top left and the down! ;)



Shifty Imp

Nice, like the idea. XD


That’s adorable

furzota (edited)

Comment edits

2021-08-12 22:37:44 Right? Thanks Mitchell >///<
2021-01-18 17:39:05 Right? Thanks Mitchell >///<

Right? Thanks Mitchell >///<