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Hey! It's me! I'm alive! How are you everybody?

So yeah, I'm getting out of my cave to bring you this sweet piece of furry TF art real quick, the main event, the big picture of V turning into a kawai neko catgirl! Usually, when I draw a character transforming, I usually draw a expression of fear, or pain or so, but this time, since the TF was intentional, I decided to go with an expression more like... like "yeeeah! >=D", you know what I mean? xd

Well, like I said, I'll be completely back on Thursday 7th! Sorry that I'm off this much, at first I though I could be a little bit more active, but as soon I said to my family "I'm having a break" I was kinda kidnapped... Thanks you for being so patient with me as always! >.<

PS: Oh! By the way!

First drawing of the year! HAPPY NEW YEAR EVERYBODY woooooo!
Let's make this a great year full of good tf stuff ;3




I'm doing good on this special day of mine. Miss poking you on discord!