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"When the evil Shredder attacks...! These turtle boys don't cut him no slack...!"

Oh yeah, believe me when I tell you that I've had that song stuck in my head for several days now... Who am I kidding, it hasn't been days, it's been years...! Alright, so.l.. Now, look at that title, that's a title, right? A true mouthful if I've ever saw one...! Yep, yep, you got me, I had the really fun idea of making an even spicier version of this transformation, one only suited for, you know... The TV channel that only mom and dad can watch, if you know what I mean, the one that can only be watched very late at night...! Yeah, all of this lore just for a silly pun on the title, but hey...! That's the way I like it! And I really hope that you like this super hot and sexy nude version of April turning into her werecat form as well! ;3

Let's hope Splinter doesn't freak out when he sees what his news reporter friend is turning into... ;P  




Honestly I'd love to see your take on the Catwoman from Channel 6 story as a sequence, Furzota!

Jesse Raines

Would love to see her go feral and chase splinter lol