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Yeah! You know! You know that it's gonna be a really spicy birthday when the birthday candles look like a transformation sequence...!

There's no doubt, those must be... The super legendary 'Zota Candles Trademark'...! Oh yeah, that's right ladies and gentlemen, you're seeing this right, it's just what it looks like... Yep, yep, you guessed it! Today is my birthday! And, just like our beautiful werebunny Sungura told to our lovely werewolf Kin... I was born on a full moon day! Yeah, that's actually true, that's a really spicy mamma mia fact, I guess I was predestined for this from the beginning, right...? Yep, I'll take that as a sign now! I have to bring the sexy werewolf transformations and more different transformations to all of you! And I'll keep trying my best to improve and bring more and more sexy content each time! Thank you so much for all your support, your feedback and for being here with me on this adventure, you're all the best...! :D

Now... I'm sorry for the rush today! I want to really give this some coloring and I also want to answer your messages and talk with you some more! But... You know, I actually have some birthday plans for today, they're going to invite me to get some tacos...! So, I really hope that you have a great day, enjoy yourself, and of course, I really hope that you like this cute and sexy picture of Sungura and Kin enjoying a nice sleepover with some good cake! ;3




Happy birthday!!!! 🎉🎊🎂


Happy birthdaawwooooo!