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"I'm going to prescribe you a good dose of carrot cake, and at least 3 humping sessions a day! If you continue this treatment, next week you will be as fresh as a daisy...!" ;3

Alright, so...! Oh, oh! Oh no... Wait a minute, hold the phone... No wonder I said something was missing from this super hot and sexy werebunny sketch! Where's her nursing cap...? I mean, c'mon, how are we supposed to know she's a nurse if she's not wearing a nurse's cap...? Well, nurse cap or not, I'm sure Sungura's methods will surely work, and hey, look at that, she has a super cute carrot shaped pen...! You know, fun fact here, at first that was going to be like a carrot shaped syringe, but somehow it ended up being turned into a pen...! Now, that counts as a transformation as well...?

Yep, yep, here we go, yet again everybody! Let's get rid of the dust and the rust by practicing a little bit again by making a nice and hot sketch for today! And since I haven't touched the tablet for a while, and I'm still a little sick, I decided to do something a little simpler for today, and inspired by Sungura's loving care, here's a sketch of herself as a nurse while transforming into her bunny form...! Pretty simple actually, but super hot and sexy of course!

There are some things I would like to add to it in the future, and as you can see today I haven't even added any shading, or highlights or any details as I usually like to do, but...! You know, I wanted to take it easy for today, slowly but surely, we're getting back to our usual pace of super hot and sexy updates! :D

Now, have a great weekend everybody! And hey, for real, thank you so much for all your support, now that the weekend is here, I'll really focus on take it easy and get better! I'm really going to focus on recovering so I can come back next week stronger than before! Have a great time this weekend, and of course, I really hope that you like this cute sketch for today! ;)




When will we get an update on the catwoman comic?


Cake? *Bites on the rear*