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Yeah, sure is starting to get hot around here! And it looks like that this cute feline lady sure is in heat…! ;3

Alright, so…! Yep, first things first, hello there, everybody, how’s it going, did you have a good weekend, did you enjoy some sweet and lovely free time…? I really hope so! Also, I really hope that it wasn’t like, you know, super hot! I like my weather kinda spring-like during this season, you know what I mean? Not too hot, not too cold , but what I do like super hot and spicy… Are my transformations! And so, just like that, here we have this super sexy and lewd werecat transformation sketch…! Which, you know, at first I was going to do like a short comic showing how the guy from behind meets this lovely werecat right in the middle of her transformation, and then she’s like asking for some, you know, sweet cuddles and stuff, and then… You know, the magic happens! It’s werecat mating season, everybody! Be careful out there, you never know when somebody’s gonna turn into a lusty and aroused werecat…!

And you know, for the finished version, we could probably do something with the other character, the one in the back… Yeah, I think that I have a good idea for that character! We’ll see, we’ll see pretty soon ;P

Oh, and also! A quick message here, my apologies for the late post today, everybody! There has been some Internet connectivity issues here today, with my old and rusty PC, and I actually had to go and buy a new LAN cable from the store, and now, here comes the twist… It’s still doesn’t work! So I just went and asked to borrow a laptop, so yeah, that’s why we’re getting a later post today, sorry for the inconvenience everybody!

Let’s see that if now that the post is live, I can see what is happening with the Internet connection of my PC and fix it! I hope you like this sexy feline transformation, everybody! Have a lovely evening :D
