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Look at that! You know, I'd say that this transformation is going on the right foot right now...! :D

Yep, yep, I went there, I totally went for it, you knew that I'd do it, you knew that I was totally gonna go for the low hanging fruit of the easy pun...! Yeah, so... Alright, feet and paw stuff, that's right! So, just like that, here we have a new and sexy update of this spicy transformation comic, here this is how the latest page is looking so far now that we have a clean and sharper lineart, we also have the basic coloring, the dialogue, and some WIP shading and details to make this update look even better! And of course, there's some stuff that I'd still like to fix for the finished version, like for example... You'll notice that I've already started coloring her fur darker, just like I wanted at first, but I feel like the transition from the previous page to this has been kinda rushed, so I'll maybe tweak the values of the color of the fur a bit! And also, some of you mentioned that you liked more the panel where Catwoman has her eyes open, so... Yeah, maybe we'll change that as well, we'll see! ;D

I hope that you like how this page is looking so far! Next time, we'll get the finished version! We're getting closer to see Catwoman fully transformed, I wonder how she'll look like~




Tbh, this shade of black looks better than the previous color


*Falls over at the big paddy pawbs*