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"Miss... It's been more than 5 months since the last Halloween...! When is that coffee coming?"

Well, you know what they say... The good things make you wait! And also, better late than never, right? Or should I say... Batter 'latte' than never...! Alright so, not satisfied with just bringing this transformation slightly past Halloween, I'm also making you endure these terrible puns... I'm so sorry everybody, you deserve so much better than this, let's get into the sexy and hot stuff, the werecow transformation! Alright, ladies and gentlemen, look at that! Yep, yep, it's finally happening, here we finally have this hot and super cute cowgirl transformation sequence done, now with the background, the spicy dialogue, and all the extra details finished! Now we're finally ready to enjoy a cozy and delicious Pumpkin Spice Latte with some organic milk...! Hey, now that I think about... Do you think that this girl, Maria, maybe she presented her resume at the Cat Cafe, and did her interview, but seeing that she... Well, you know, maybe they couldn't hire her...? ;P

Or maybe this is actually the Cat Cafe, and she's in charge of the milk, you know...! It's kinda funny how we've seen that much of this whole werecat coffe shop and werewolf pub lately, but hey, I wouldn't mind having a drink in a place like that...! Alright, now it's time to get some sweet hot milk and have a nice coffee! Bottoms up, everybody! And... Happy 'latte' Halloween! ;3



Erwin Matsumoto (edited)

Comment edits

2024-05-02 04:19:30 Don’t worry, everything you write sounds very funny and sweet (⁠≧⁠▽⁠≦⁠) Very nice transformation! Now she has an endless supply of the most delicious milk!
2024-04-24 17:12:15 Don’t worry, everything you write sounds very funny and sweet (⁠≧⁠▽⁠≦⁠) Very nice transformation! Now she has an endless supply of the most delicious milk!

Don’t worry, everything you write sounds very funny and sweet (⁠≧⁠▽⁠≦⁠) Very nice transformation! Now she has an endless supply of the most delicious milk!