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"Wow! You look like a real werewolf! Where did you get that awesome costume...? Hey, hey! can I touch it...?"

Oh yeah, look at that beautiful 'costume', everybody! Now we're talking, she's gonna rock this Halloween night...! Alright, so... Yep, this is real, this is happening! Here we finally have a new and maybe last TF pinup of this spicy transformation sequence, after a few months of delay since Halloween, we can finally take a look at the WIP of this seventh pinup of this series! And you know, I had a few ideas for this pose in particular, at first I was going to draw her looking forward, with a more... Wild expression, as if her animal instinct had completely taken over her, but somehow it ended up being like this, with her trying to hide her private parts in shock after the transformation, with a scared expression seeing what she has become... I think that works too! And I hope you like it! ;)

And for this WIP I actually wanted to try a different kind of shading, something different from the rest of the pinups of this series, where the lightning seems to come directly from above, in front of the girl, since she's under a lamppost, but in this WIP I tried shading it only with the moonlight as a reference, and you know, I'd say that it also turned out pretty nice as well! So, coming soon, we'll finally have the finished pinup, stay tuned, everybody! ;3




She's a beautiful werewolf!


Maybe the animal instinct pose would be the part of the sequence?