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When this show slipped across Allison’s desk, she couldn’t help but grin eagerly. Regency and all surrounding it was something that she enjoyed. The dresses, the romance, the scandal; a delicate combination that often lead to some of the best stories. But she pushed it aside, after all she had just recently arrived back from Australia with Chubb's. She was rather proud of his performance there and was now eager to get him under saddle.

Committed to moving forward, she set her attentions to more pressing concerns. A new stallion had arrived at their stables. While in Australia, she had taken the time to go and look at a few of the fine bloodstock that they had one show at Newnes. She was impressed with the breed overall, they were fantastic eventing horses and while she was hoping to shift her focus to Celtic breeds, she couldn’t lie that the land-down-under had stolen her heart with these warm bloods. Or perhaps, just Chubb's had done that. He was after all far too sweet a horse and a highlight of her stable.

She slipped on her boots and let herself take in the early spring air as she walked along the road to her stables. It was busy this morning, the construction crew was here early, taking advantage of the daylight. Load noises of hammers and chatter filled the sleepy farm. She was proud to see the estate coming together the way it was, Construction had started in winter and in just that short time to the wake of spring so much had been done.

She had Dust to thank for that. Oh Dustin Holt, she smiled at the mere thought of his influence. While she was away for the Endurance event with her team, he was getting to work and forming a bond with Hank, who was still presiding over the Nevada stables. She never quite expected the two of them to work as such a team, in fact she wondered how they got anything done at all, having overheard a phone call consist of only “yes”, “No”, and a few scattered grunts. But yet they understood one another, for Dust his heart called to the peace and quiet that can be offered in tending to land such as these and for Hank the companionship the animals offered. Two very different desires, yet not all that separate.

So here she stood at the entrance to the once cobwebbed Brick stable that now housed some of the Angell’s Meadow stock. Namely, the brand-new Ice n’ Diamonds, better known as Ice. Allison walked to his stall, grabbing his halter from the rack and taking the stud towards their Jerry-rigged grooming station. Where they would typically groom a horse was now under construction, replacing the water lines, adding in a solarium, redoing the concrete, and drainage. All the makings of a stable that would properly drain rather than leave the animal standing in a puddle up to his cannon bone, a lesson learned early on in their experience with this barn. Though it had, its many issues, Allison couldn’t help but be overjoyed, Pennsylvania had offered so much so far, the land was healthier to graze animals on, the environment a blessing in both spring and winter, especially after having seen Chubb’s play in the Snow! The property was full of trails and fun ways to exercise the animals, and surprisingly the construction had been going on without a hitch.

A memory pained the back of her mind as she brought the brush over the stallion’s gray coat, a cruel reminder of the damage Victor had done. The construction crews in Nevada finding thousands and thousands of dollars worth of work to be done, or things broken, just for those things to be shoddily repaired or for work to never be done. She had pleaded with Victor one night when she caught him signing a $20,000 check for a new roof on a building that had just four years ago been roofed. The amount was absurd, and she begged for him to find new contractors. That was the first night he had ever sla-

Her thoughts were interrupted by the groggy grunts of a cranky Englishman who was just now having the first sips of his morning coffee,

“Oh! Good morning, Mister Ho-”

“Dear god, woman, how many times must I tell you to just call me Dust”

“Dust, good morning” She chuckled, her eyes locking onto his bright green ones, they betrayed him if he was trying to hide it, he was exhausted, “Why don’t you go back to sleep? You surely look like you could use the rest”

“Because We” he motioned between him and her, pausing for just a moment before eyeing Ice and then including him in the three-way motioning, “Have to make plans as for this”. She looked at his now raised hand, it was that invitation.

“Do not tell me I went out of my way to call the absolute prick that was my old employer just to get this” He waved the gold embossed invitation about, “for you to toss it in the ‘No’ Pile. We all know you are not averse to crossing seas for shows, so explain Missy” He folded his arms and grunted as if to hurry her along before taking in a long draw of his coffee.

“I- I had now Idea you got that for me! In fact, I … we have been so out of sync with the European circuits, I had no ideas the show was happening at all… we would be a very last minute entry” Allison frowned and started working on Ice’s mane. “Is that all? Well then it is good, I mailed in your acceptance for you and I will be accompanying you this time as well. I have things that need my attention over there, and it would be good for you, for me too” He gave her his typical ‘I know I’m right’ smile that she cursed him for.

Allison was stunned, her mouth opening and closing for a moment. A small part of her mind worried that he was doing exactly what Victor had, taking control one step at a time, but she felt different about this, like she could trust him, “And who did you enter me with?”

He grumbled a bit, motioning again to Ice, “Mmn that one there, He’s fine enough, and you said he was a Dressage prospect”

Her jaw dropped and she laughed a bit. This was definitely a shock, but a welcome one indeed. From now, she would have a couple of weeks to test out her relationship with Ice and get him show ready to fly to England. She sucked in her lower lip, biting at it as she constructed the puzzle in her mind,

“Here, some motivation to help you two get along faster” He reached behind him grabbing an extra Coffee that had been hidden behind the pole, handing it to her.

She drew it to her nose, inhaling the warm creamy smell of a medium roast with plenty of cream, just how she liked it. Allison went to take a sip before a question popped into her mind, with the lid pressed to her lips she narrowed her eyes,

“Would you have still given me this had I denied the plan to go to England?” And with a cocky, self-assured, down right shit eating grin, Mr. Holt turned on his booted heel and walked off, leaving her with Ice. Ice looked over at Allie, his head hung low as he had nearly fallen asleep during their conversation, but his expression said it all, “What are we going to do about him?”. Allie couldn’t help but giggle and set her motivations straight for the day. After all, there was a LOT to prepare this Diamond for.

The showgrounds were a sight to behold, Allie could hardly hold back her excitement as ladies in dresses and men in suits passed her by. Everyone was so excited and eager for the show’s theme! Allie had harbored doubts, having packed a spare show outfit just incase the theme had been merely a suggestion. But instead she was overjoyed that people had embraced the theme, throwing her into a scene that was a modern day Regency!

Ice and her had worked hard in the prior weeks, training nearly daily, and honestly she was surprised. The stallion was a marvel to work with, what a perfect gentleman he had been, even when they took the trails past the mares. He was a flirt indeed, but a gentleman whilst doing it. When she had taken the time to look at him, she was convinced to purchase him by his demeanor alone, but after this short period of working with him, Allie knew she made the right choice.

She stood atop a small stool, fixing the lilacs into Ice’s mane. She had picked them specifically, they were a symbolism of first love, and considering this was her first show with him, she hoped the message would bode well for their teamwork. The feeling of a hand gently pressed to her back caused her to swivel her head back. Dust stood behind her,

“You look eager this morning” He offered a soft smile.

“I am… I am overjoyed. Dust these… these last few months they’ve…” She looked down, her cheeks flushed. She took a step off the stool, looking upward at the tall man,

“Dust, thank you… For all these opportunities, Y-” Dust cut her off,

“You made the opportunities yourself, I have only encouraged you Allison” He lifted a hand as if to touch her cheek, and for the briefest of moment’s Allie had expected it. Her nerves tingling in, waiting for the warmth of his rugged hands to touch her skin. But that moment did not come. He cleared his throat, smiling again before petting Ice for a moment.

“Go get dressed, I’ll finish his mane, The round will start soon enough and you two will probably need a chance to warm out and work out… dress placement or whatever it is you ladies need”

Allie laughed lightly, imagining this rugged man placing sentimental Lilacs into the stallions' mane, but regardless, he was right. So off to the changing rooms she was! Allie had purchased a regency based outfit, a length dress and buttoned corset, with the typical riding coat and hat. She once again went with the Lilac and purple theme, wishing to match Ice. When she dressed and returned to her horse and Barn manager, she was amused to see Dust arguing with the stallion about a very particular flower placement. She couldn’t help but smile, hugging herself as she enjoyed the sight of man and horse. Ice eyed her, nodding his head as if to tattle on the man’s inability to get the lilac placed into his pleated forelock. A Chuckle escaped her lips and Dustin turned towards her.

His expression didn’t shift, but his eyes said quite a lot, Allie looked wonderful, the purple colors looking well suited to her complexion and hair. She stood happily before him as he took her in, she certainly was something. Just a moment more and he shifted his view,

“Alright, Lady Haven, I’ll give you a leg up” He said, putting on the English accent a little more than usual. Allie snorted a moment, causing Dustin to laugh at her awkward display of amusement. She curtsied haphazardly before walking over to him,

“very, well, Lord Holt, I would very much so appreciate your aid!” She placed her hands onto the saddle as he did more than a leg up, He lifted her easily so she could place both feet in the stirrups, unhindered by the amount of fabric bunched around her. They walked together in silence towards the warm-up ring when Dust put his hand on her calf,

“Allie I…I’m” He looked at her, struggling to find the words he meant.

“I know, You’re proud of me, We’ll have to give you a good reason to stay that way” She smiled at him softly before wordlessly encouraging Ice to move on.

Something Lingered on Dust’s tongue, but he wouldn’t have the opportunity to say it just yet. After all, Allie had a Diamond to Debut.

Word Count: 2058



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