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I got good news and I got bad news!

Bad news is, there will be no stream between today and tomorrow. On top of that, I will need to take tomorrow off as my MOVERS are coming (and pissing me off in the process). Honestly, screw these people. They wanted an extra $600 ish to just... bring me my stuff, which I paid for them to move. On top of the last half I need to pay them so it would have shot my move well into the $6500+ range. SO instead, I am renting a uhaul and will be spending all of tomorrow moving my stuff and things out of the uhaul into the basement we rent.

The good? Today I spent doing some admin work, including updating the Trello (which hopefully I have you all on there) and doing some tax stuff! I am writing stories as well, and then I have a miniseries to post for you all here!

So yay for stuff getting done! Also since my stuff IS coming tomorrow working should be getting easier (and more comfy) because I will have my desk and chair again, It also means that stream will be easier because I won't have a tiny desk :D.

Speaking of streams, do you all mind the muted streams for now? Until Travis is done with his training, I really don't want my deranged ramblings of "HORSE PENIS" to be heard over the mic in a professional setting LOL.

In other good news, SKETCHY FRIDAYS are making their return but, I am considering doing them in a sorta different format and would love to hear your feedback!

Raffle/Lottery Slots 

I know in the past my queue for sketches can Kinda.... add up quick on stream, and it makes it rather unfortunately hard to grab a slot to one of them during a stream. How would we feel about a raffle system?

For stream sketches, there wouldn't be a cooldown like some other artists do or maybe just a one-week cool down?

Patreon Priority

To address Patreon priority, how many extra entries should I give people who are patrons if we do this?


  • Weekly every Friday, 2–4 slots available

  • colored or uncolored available

  • Raffle or first come first server

  • Pay after sketch but before colors

  • 2–3 characters tops

  • No queue, just doing them with each raffle winner.

  • If you win the Raffle but don't reply within in 10–15 minutes, the slot will go to the next winner.

  • If you don't pay I will publicly embarrass you and then sell your sketch as a ych <3

I hope you guys like this Idea. Basically, what I am hoping is that we can avoid adding anything to the queue while we work on it Monday through Thursday. Fridays will be used to pay my bills basically, so if you would like to pay extra I'm not going to say no :3

All I can hope is that this is fair to both you guys and my queue'd up folks. I know I have put on quite a bit of backlog in Washington, and I promise I am doing my best to remedy it.





how much are the sketches on average?